
GAIRESA’s specialties for waterproofing, continuous flooring, structural adhesives, concrete reparation, decoration and composite materials are applicable to many industrial and economic sectors. Below are some of the usual applications of the products manufactured by GAIRESA:

Drinking water


EU Regulation No. 10/2011 of the European Commission regulates the chemical compounds that may be used in materials that are to come into contact with foodstuffs.

In recent years, the infrastructures built to control the drinking water cycle have been a key element for any state. GAIRESA’s commitment to preserve these infrastructures for as long as possible is absolute, always complying with the most demanding quality, hygiene and health criteria.

For this reason, at GAIRESA we were pioneers more than 30 years ago in the design of a coating for tanks intended to contain drinking water (and other food liquids) with a high waterproofing capacity and protection against the prolonged action of the liquid in contact. All these necessary conditions would be insufficient if the coating did not comply in toxicological terms. At that time, it is not difficult to infer that the requirements were clearly inferior to those of today and, consequently, the regulations that governed them followed parallel paths.

For the development of the coating, GAIRESA contacted the Department of Bromatology of the University of Santiago de Compostela, where we would find the analytical support we were looking for: GAIRESA formulated the coating and the University tested it in accordance with European directives. The formulation was developed considering the migrations allowed in the directives in force at that time until we found the formulation that complied with the requirements and the corresponding report was issued on September 1st 1991, when our BEPOX 889 epoxy resin was commercially introduced, which has grown massively to date as a result of its faultless behaviour.

As a consequence of the mandatory analytical studies, GAIRESA published a series of scientific articles in the most prestigious international journals and a large part of the analytical methodology, as well as the discovery of the hydrolysis of the epoxy resin, have been adopted by the international community and integrated into the current regulations and procedures for the control of epoxy coatings. BEPOX® 889 undoubtedly marked a beginning in Europe for this type of formulation. Naturally, BEPOX® 889 is analytically updated as regulations change over time.

  • Repair of tanks
  • Pipes
  • Repair of pipes without building work
  • Pipelines
  • Treatment stations
  • Purification stations
  • Dams
  • Repair of water channels

Food Industry

Since in the 1990s we supplied our epoxy systems for the treatment and coating of the cereal silos of SENPA (the extinct National Service of Agricultural Products) in different parts of Spain such as Pancorbo, Alcázar de San Juan, Zuera or Teruel, our activity in the food sector has multiplied. Today we are the authorised supplier of Azucarera Española for the maintenance of their sugar silos with our coating systems based on epoxy and polyurethane resins.


Fish markets are another of our regular customers, having supplied our epoxy systems for the treatment of floors in many fish markets in Galicia and Andalusia.

Dairy industry and large markets, where the mechanical stress that the floors have to withstand is extremely high, are other of our regular customers.

  • Grain silos
  • Sugar silos
  • Flour silos
  • Dairy industry: continuous flooring
  • Food markets
  • Fish markets
  • Rapid commissioning floors in refrigerated chambers


  • Underground
  • Intermodal interchanges
  • Stations
  • Garages
  • Workshops
  • Toll lanes on motorways


  • Flooring in vehicle manufacturing plants.
  • Adhesives for vehicle bodywork and interiors.
  • Elements made of composite materials: epoxy resins.
  • Water-based coatings for chrome plating.


  • Wind: wind turbine blades, tower coatings, anchorages in concrete towers, injection for repairing concrete footings.
  • Waterproofing, coatings and epoxy flooring in thermal and nuclear power stations, etc.
  • Repair of dams in hydroelectric power stations.
  • Flooring and coatings with high chemical resistance for battery rooms and resistant to spills of aggressive chemical compounds.


  • Flooring for hospitals and healthcare centres: hygienic and low-noise continuous flooring.
  • Anti-static sanitary flooring for the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Sanitary wall coverings: washable biocide paint for interior walls and ceilings.
  • Hydroalcoholic disinfectant solution and gel.


  • Sports arenas and stadiums
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Printing industry